2019全球变化背景下生态系统遥感监测国际学术研讨会2019 International workshop on Monitoring the Ecosystem by Remote Sensing on the background of Global Change-9999js金沙老品牌


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2019全球变化背景下生态系统遥感监测国际学术研讨会2019 International workshop on Monitoring the Ecosystem by Remote Sensing on the background of Global Change

文章来源: 作者: 发布时间:2019年10月29日 点击数:
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审核 终审



时间 活动安排 地点
11月29日 报到 广西南宁
11月30日 学术报告和讨论 广西南宁
12月1-3日 野外考察:岩溶生态系统:天坑和流域(综合遥感实验站);农业生态系统:芒果综合遥感实验站 广西百色
12月4日 返回南宁/返程 广西南宁
12月5日 专家返程  



4 会议组织







黄玉清,研究员,9999js金沙老品牌,北部湾环境变化与资源利用教育部重点实验室, hyqcoco@nnnu.gtzlmx.com

Dennis Otieno, 德国拜罗伊特大学植物生态学学院博士生导师和高级学术顾问(Akademischer Oberrat),东非陆地生态系统研究联合会(CREATE)创始成员。肯尼亚亚拉莫吉奥金加奥廷加科技大学生命科学学院教授。dennis.otieno@uni-bayreuth.de学术委员会Arturo Sánchez-Azofeifa加拿大阿尔伯塔大学地球与大气科学学院教授,理学院副院长,地球观测中心主任。arturo.sanchez@ualberta.ca胡宝清 教授,9999js金沙老品牌地理与海洋研究院主任,北部湾环境变化与资源利用教育部重点实验室主任,广西地表过程与智能模拟重点实验室主任, Email: hbq1230@nnnu.gtzlmx.com卢远 教授,9999js金沙老品牌地理与规划学院院长,Email: luyuan@ nnnu,gtzlmx.com

陆汝成 教授,9999js金沙老品牌国土资源与测绘学院院长,Email: lurucheng@163.com

Nathsuda Pumijunmong 副教授,泰国玛希隆大学环境与资源学院 ,Email: nathsuda@gmail.com


饶远 电话:15878931117 邮箱:751632206@qq.com

闫妍 电话: 13297812623 , 邮箱:yanyan@nnnu.gtzlmx.com.



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餐食 会议安排 个人自己安排
数量 :

To promote exchanging idea and cooperation on developing studies of ecological process using theme and technologyof remote sensing, Nanning Normal University proposed 2019 International workshop on Monitoring the Ecosystem by Remote Sensingon the background of global climate changewhich is organized by Department of Earth Science, Nanning Normal University, Key Laboratory of Beibu Gulf Environment Change and Resources Use, Ministry of Education, China, and Guangxi Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Intelligent Simulation in Nanning and Baishe, Guangxi Zhuang Autonormal Region, China from 29November to 4 December 2019. Delegates and participants will come from Chinesedomestic and Japan, Canada, Kenya, Thailand and Indonesiato discuss topics relatively.

1 Topic

Multi-scale and synchronized Observation on the Ecosystem, Information and DataanalysisMulti-source Remote Sensing Products and BigData PlatformPrediction of Agricultural Conditions basing on Dynamic Remote Sensing Joint Laboratory

2 Agenda

Date Activity Place
29, November Registration; Nanning, Guangxi
30, November Presentation & discussion Nanning, Guangxi
1-3, December Field trip to ecosystems: Karst Tiankeng Karst watershed Mangoplantationet al. Baise, Guangxi
4, December Return Nanning Nanning
5, December Return trip  

3 Venue


175Mingxiu East Road, Nanning, Guangxi, China

4 Organization

OrganizersDepartment of Earth Science, Nanning Normal University

Key Laboratory of Beibu Gulf Environment Change and Resources Use, Ministry of Education (Nanning Normal University),

China, and Guangxi Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Intelligent Simulation (Nanning Normal University), China

Organizing CommitteeChairman:

Yuqing HuangProfessor, Key Laboratory of Beibu Gulf Environment Change and Resources Use, Ministry of EducationNanning NormalUniversity, , China.

Email: hyqcoco@nnnu.gtzlmx.com

Dennis Otieno Doctoral Supervisorand Senior academic advisor (Akademischer Oberrat), Dept. of Plant Ecology,University of Bayreuth, German. Professor, Faculty of Life Science, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, Kenya

Email: Dennis.otieno@uni-bayreuth.de,denotieno@yahoo.com


Arturo Sánchez-Azofeifa Professor,Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Department, University of Alberta,Canada

Baoqing Hu, Director &professor , Key Laboratory of Beibu Gulf Environment Change and Resources Use, Ministry of Education, and Guangxi Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Intelligent Simulation, , China

: Email: hbq1230@nnnu.gtzlmx.com

Yuan Lu, Dean & professor, School of Ge5ographyand Planning , Nanning Normal University , China

Email: luyuan@ nnnu,gtzlmx.com

Rucheng Lu Dean & professor , School of land Resouces and Surveying & Mapping

Email: lurucheng@163.com

Nathsuda Pumijunmong Professor, Faculty of Environment and Resources, Mohidol University, Thailand

Email: nathsuda@gmail.com


Yan Yan Nanning NormalUniversity, Email: yanyan@nnnu.gtzlmx.com. Tel: +86-13297812623

Yuan Rao Nanning NormalUniversity; Email: 1924133240@qq.com, Tel: +86-15878931117

Attachment 1

Conference receipt

Name   Gender   Academic title  
Work unit   phones number  
Address   E-mail  
Room Type standard room single room
Pricepre night    
Number of reservations    
Meal Arrangement by conference group Self arrangement
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